Amusement park of sounds and pictures


Every CDs and Cassette are available now.

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minä / mina

1. 0% Questions

2. Navy Road

3. PM 3:34

4. AM 3:36

5. tiny house

6. season after


CD  ¥1500

Download  ¥1500

2023.05.27 release

Buddhist Rituals for Xonoe (for cassette)

A01-般若波羅蜜多心経 (Heart-Surta)

A02-大悲心陀羅尼 (Nilakantha Dharani)

B01-Xonoe-法華経 (Saddharma-pundarika-sutra for Xonoe)


Cassette  ¥1500

Download  ¥1500

2023.02.10 release

The Colors brought by Birds

1. Pink Stars

2. over the rain

3. raindrops

4. Heavenly Bamboo

5. Shining Leaves

6. New Born from Orange Circle


CD  ¥1500

Download  ¥1500

2022.06.25 release

Summer days fade to blue

1. Moon over the sea

2. Summer days fade to blue

3. A river along the night

4. Bugs in night

5. the voiceless glaring

6. Sea of the night


CD  ¥1500

Download  ¥1500

2021.08.11 Release





